What is your breaking news in ArianaNews?

After the Taliban Regime fall one of the major achievements of Afghanistan Government is enhancing of the freedom of speech, an achievement which has been remembered by the former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai.
During that time most of the printed media, audio and visual media specially online journalism has been significantly began its activities in Afghanistan, Ariana News TV station also began its activities since last year after the Bayat Media Center has been established and joined Afghanistan media family, Araina News is the very first private TV station which has its standard building specialized for broadcasting only, the following TV station in the short time has been capable by pushing its professional efforts ,and observing the Afghanistan National interests has opened thousand doors to make it into your homes.
After the Ariana News broadcasting programs has been inaugurated by the former President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai it could find its own way and position among the Afghanistan media family members, the other specialty of this TV station is the Nationwide and International coverage ,it enable Afghan migrant to watch different programs in abroad.
Ariana News also broadcasts the Afghan and International expert’s points of view over different issues through video conferences and News bulletins; this TV has also experienced new initiatives to hold International and National sessions by clear translation from International languages into our National Languages to make the program easier for the viewers.